Our sustainability strategy at a glance
"By publishing our sustainability strategy and measures, we are also responding to the demands of our customers, almost all of whom are affected by the new sustainability reporting requirements and must also examine their service providers in this context. So in addition to a personal motivation, we are also driven by an economic necessity," explains Peter Rosiepen, Managing Director of DIMATE. The reporting obligations addressed are primarily the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU taxonomy and the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG).
Solid partner not only for digitalization
DIMATE itself is not subject to any sustainability reporting obligations due to the size of the company, but: "We want to position ourselves as an appealing partner at all levels. Both when it comes to the digitization of NDT and in terms of regulatory obligations. We are aware that service providers who do not put sustainability on the agenda will fall behind in the mid-term," adds the CEO.
DIMATE laid the foundation for the recently published strategy and measures already last summer: During a 2-day workshop with all employees, key areas and the strategic outlines were defined on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals, which were refined and specified over the course of the last year.