New function in DIMATE Viewer Pro: Stitching of RT images

Stitching of overlapping RT images

Especially in on-stream inspection on safety-relevant pipe sections in petrochemical plants, it often happens that several radiography images are needed to cover a large pipe diameter. For this purpose, the X-ray films or CR foils are placed next to and on top of each other respectively overlapping. In the digital age, the single images must be digitized via X-ray film scanner or a CR system, then registered and digitally stitched together to form an overall image.

Stitching is the technology of converting overlapping images into a complete image by image registration and blending. A powerful stitching feature is now available in the DIMATE Viewer Pro, independent of the radiography system, to easily register and stitch scanned X-ray films or digital CR images. All customers with licensed DIMATE Viewer Pro and a software maintenance contract will automatically receive the new function with the next update.

Contact us at if you would like to learn more about the new stitching function and/or arrange an installation appointment.

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