How much does an hour of shutdown of your plant cost in the turnaround? And how long does the shutdown typically last? You’ve probably got the figures handy. And now calculate the costs for eight days of shutdown rather than ten days. The amount you save will be immense – and will cover the amount you invested in the DIMATE PACS within 2 to 48 hours.

How can that be? Firstly, because release processes are much faster. Secondly, because digital test results are available anywhere, anytime. Thirdly, because images and reports, e.g. for welds on new pipelines, can be presented more quickly to the notified bodies.

In short, fully digitalized inspection processes save time and increase the availability of plants. Availability is money in the process and energy industry. Shutdown of a refinery, for example, costs up to one million euros per day. The time savings are realized mainly due to time- and location-independent image analysis and reporting. Moreover, the DIMATE PACS makes all test data available immediately and precisely.

Fast ROI and attractive pricing models

Exactly when a DIMATE PACS is paying off depends on many factors. To get an idea of the potential ROI in your company, please talk to our consultants. They will explain where digitalization saves time and which additional efficiency potentials the DIMATE PACS offers.

And of course, our consultants will also explain the different pricing and usage models for the DIMATE PACS. These range from purchase to software-as-a-service (SaaS). Thus we make sure to offer a transition to digital NDT that is not only plannable but also affordable for any budget.

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