We make industrial customers more sustainable with our PACS software

Sustainability is not a buzzword at DIMATE, but a living business practice. We are committed to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and making an active contribution. For example, with our software, we provide our petrochemical customers with measurable resource savings in inspection and turnaround, and thus contribute to the goal of supporting a sustainable industry.

Digitizing inspection processes with DIMATE PACS eliminates the need for X-ray film, chemicals, paper or archive rooms. It also reduces pathways because digital data, unlike physical data, can exist in multiple locations simultaneously. By providing a platform for managing, analyzing and storing your inspection data, we enable digital access for your stakeholders and direct further processing of asset information in your IT systems, such as ERP, AIM or RBI.

This saves up to 20 percent in working time for all parties involved in the inspection process and significantly increases plant safety.

So, if you are looking for opportunities and solutions to make processes more sustainable, you should rely on the digitalization of inspection processes with DIMATE.

Would you like to learn more about the potential of our software? Please contact us!

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