PACS makes inspection processes round
In this interview, Jens Martin, technical director at DIMATE, talks about his practical experience and why the potential for digitization is not yet being fully realized.
In this interview, Jens Martin, technical director at DIMATE, talks about his practical experience and why the potential for digitization is not yet being fully realized.
At DIMATE, we have developed software that fulfils all the criteria of an Inspection Data Lake to enable the use of AI in the process industry.
Since 31 January 2022, the DIMATE PACS has been optimizing on-stream inspections during live operations.
The acronym PACS stands for Picture Archiving and Communication System, i.e. a system to store and process digital image data.
Learn more What is a NDT-PACS and what do you get out of it?
Two internal certifications underline compliance of our products DIMATE PACS and DIMATE CCM.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructiv Testing (IZFP) is developing intelligent sensor systems. They opt for DIMATE to build-up the necessary data basis.
In the medical sector, the DICOM Standard (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) regulates the digital image management since more than 20 years. It defines the …
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